Tuesday, February 5, 2013


So.... I finally got a computer.  Yayy!!!!  Now I can actually blog on a regular basis and relax while I do my homework.  Ok, relax might be a strong word, lets go with be more comfortable.  Now I just need a lock on my room so there's no way the most adorable member of my household can destroy this one.

This year, instead of one big New Years resolution, I have decided to try something new every month.  Last month was trying the fit healthy lifestyle.  It's been really hard, but so far so good.  I've had a few nights where I just say forget it I'm going to stuff my face and do minimal physical activity, but for the most part I'm almost trained to say no to delicious food that is bad for me.  This month I'm going to introduce myself to a TV show I think looks really awful, and keep an entirely open mind about it.  The TV show I have chosen is "Pretty Little Liars".  A huge number of people I socialize swear by this being the best show in the whole wide world and to me it just looks dumb.  I think it looks like something the "Twilight" lovers would like, and that is something I absolutely can not get into no matter how much I try.  I'm more of a 20/20, The Walking Dead, and True Blood type of person.  If I have time before I knock out from pure exhaustion tonight, then I'm going to dive right into season one.  I haven't decided if I should give up if I don't like it, or keep experimenting until I find something I like.  Who knows what's in store for next month... I'm kind of making it up as I go, and taking suggestions.  I'll share my ideas as I go along :)

Now... back to my homework....

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